Ridley Scott's biopic, Napoleon, introduces several historical inaccuracies in depicting the life of the French Emperor. While these changes don't drastically alter the overall portrayal, they raise points of contention for historians. Notably, the film shows Napoleon engaging in direct combat with his cavalry, contrary to historical records where he typically oversaw battles from a safer position.
Another discrepancy is the portrayal of the Battle of Austerlitz, where the film presents a giant frozen lake that didn't exist, and the strategy employed differs from historical accounts.
Additionally, the meeting between Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington in Plymouth never happened in real life; their closest encounter would have been on the battlefield at Waterloo. Despite these deviations, the film offers insights into Napoleon's leadership and historical events.
If you're a history buff, this movie is for you! See what all the discourse is about by getting your tickets from KenyaBuzz.