Ser Chief and Maya were able to work out their differences after they had a row over Maya. This was after accepted an endorsement from James to train as a flight attendant with Times Airways. Ser Chief had his reservations about Maya accepting the endorsement and he even called her a flirt, making Maya angry.
Maya left the house and went as far as resigning from her job because Ser Chief wouldn't apologize to her. With her decision, it was clear to Ser Chief that Maya was hurt by his words so he followed her to her home town in San Nicholas to try and make her change her mind. He offered her more money but that didn't go well because Maya felt more insulted. The last resort was to apologize to Maya and that went really well because she accepted his apology immediately.
With things back in order, Ser Chief thought Maya would return to work. Unfortunately, Maya said that she would still resign because she would be training full time to become an air hostess and she wouldn't have enough time to take care of Abby. She however agreed to stay until Ser Chief was able to hire a new nanny for Abby.
Ser Chief began to interview applicants for the position but of two he has tried out, he still hasn't been able to find a replacement for Maya. Jema, the first Nanny never took care of Abby and almost got her in an accident while the second one; Melinda turned out to be pregnant and had to leave. Ser Chief now has a third nanny trying out for the job. He has been finding ways to become unsatisfied with the new nannys' services and it seems like he will pull out that card once more to make Maya stay. Do you think he will ever let Maya go?