Let us talk about the hottest topic in tech right now folks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - the tech that is shaking up the world at super speed. You might have heard of ChatGPT, the AI chatbot launched by OpenAI last year that got over a million users in less than a week. Imagine that! And let's not forget Google's announcement about its own AI chatbot technology - Bard. It is no longer a buzzword, it's the real deal, and it's set to transform the job market in a big way
Word out there is that there are concerns that AI will take over our jobs and render us all unemployed. A recent survey conducted by Semrush showed that a significant percentage of employees, 38%, anticipate that their work would be automated by 2023, with 13% even predicting that AI will wipe out their entire field. Yikes! And it's not just talk, companies are investing more and more in AI every day. So, what will save us?
Well, let's look at history. Throughout time, machines have replaced human labor with new technologies. And AI is just the latest chapter in that story. But here's the thing, unlike previous advances, AI provides tools to enhance and improve existing work processes. That means more productivity and a more specialized workforce. Plus, AI still can't replicate important human abilities like creativity, critical thinking, and empathy. So, in many cases, AI is actually a better assistant for us humans than a replacement
But we can't just sit back and hope for the best. We've got to adapt to the changing job market influenced by AI. That means upgrading our skills, reskilling, and upskilling. Don't worry about jobs that might be automated, focus on developing new skills and enhancing the ones you already have. By being proactive, we can secure our place in the workforce and take advantage of the new opportunities that AI is likely to bring
So, let's get excited about the future of work with AI! Sure, there might be some bumps in the road, but with the right mindset and skills, we shall be ready to tackle anything. And who knows, maybe one day we shall have AI assistants doing all the boring repetitive work for us, while we focus on the fun innovative stuff. Wouldn't that be great?