Amor Amargo is the new telenovela produced by Pedro Ortiz de Pinedo for Televisa. The show will star Andres Palacios and Ana Belena, alongside Daniela Romo as the main antagonist. The show is an adaptation of Ilha Dos Amores, a Portuguese drama from 2007.

The show follows the story of Tomas as he seeks revenge for his father's death. He returns to the quaint town of Todos los Santos determined to unravel the truth behind the murder.

"I feel very lucky because my wish has come true. I've wanted to work with Daniela for a long time. And this is the opportunity, except that we're going to have to be enemies, which is also very fun," said the Chilean actor about his much admired co-star.

The telenovela will also mark the debut of Ana Belena as a leading actress.

"The main character used to suffer and suffer and suffer and cry. And this telenovela is not like that. It is a classic melodrama but the main character is different. The main character clearly suffers but from another place and has character and does not let herself be. And that is what makes it so cool and so different from other melodramas and that is what caught my attention about this character,"  she commented about her role.

The show is set to premiere on La Estrellas in November 2024. Would you like to see it in Kenya soon?

About The Author

Mary Njehia

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