CFK Africa, in collaboration with MAD (Making a Difference) Sisters, will celebrate the internationally recognized Menstrual Hygiene Day in Kenya on May 31st in Kibera. Through its Girls Empowerment Program, CFK Africa equips girls with the resources needed to promote menstrual health and eliminate period poverty by leading menstrual hygiene talks and distributing sanitary towels. The event will include a colorful, lively processional from 9:00am to 10:30 a.m. at CFK Africa's HQ to the Kibra District Commissioners ground in Makina village, coloring the streets with Menstrual Hygiene Day colors to raise awareness in the community. The celebration will continue from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. EAT with performances by community groups related to menstrual hygiene, advocacy action, and speeches from various stakeholders. The event will also include information for young boys as allies of girls and women and the distribution of sanitary towels.

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