Kenyan animated superhero series "Super Sema" takes young viewers on a thrilling journey through a futuristic African world, where a 10-year-old girl named Sema harnesses the power of STEAM—science, tech, engineering, the arts, and math—to protect her village from a menacing robot villain.
Originally brought to life by the talented Lupita Nyong'o, Super Sema is a key player in YouTube's ambitious initiative to invest $100 million in the future of kids', family, and educational programming in Africa. As one of nine shows added to YouTube's "Originals" roster, Super Sema stands out for its unique blend of entertainment and educational content.
The Super Sema organized a #KidsCon Arena at NAICCON 2023 that brought together young minds in an immersive experience that explored arts, robotics, coding, and gaming. By creating a space where children can actively participate in STEAM-related activities, Super Sema goes beyond entertainment to foster a passion for learning and innovation.
In the animated series, Sema and her twin brother embark on adventures that showcase their ingenuity and proficiency in coding apps, generating energy from waste, and crafting virtual worlds, among other impressive feats. The narrative seamlessly weaves together elements of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, providing young audiences with a captivating and educational experience.
The brainchild of Kenyan software developers, Super Sema extends beyond the screen with a free-to-download learning app available on all major app stores. This app combines locally-inspired storytelling with proven literacy methodologies, offering a valuable resource for children eager to engage with educational content in a fun and accessible way.
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