School are designed to educate new generations of citizens with broad knowledge in various spheres of life. They should be able not only to solve assignments on math and physics but also to cope with the complexities of everyday life. After graduation, a person should be not only a skilled worker in a certain field but also a good host who can equip his own house and create a family. Therefore, the lessons of home economics should be included in the curriculum of general schools.
Why is home economics important?
The very existence of any family is closely related to the need for everyday domestic work. Not only material well-being but also moral background and solidity of a family depend on the ability to manage the house rationally. Housekeeping means providing of normal conditions for a life of a group of people, labor and rest of all its members, as well as maintaining order in everything.
How to conduct housekeeping? The answer is purely individual. In each family, it is carried out in its own way. However, in order to form an own scheme of action, it is important to get acquainted with the classical approaches that should be considered at the lessons of home economics at school.
At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing difficult in buying food, cleaning an apartment, watering a flower bed, etc. But schoolchildren think so only while their parents perform all these duties. Facing an adult life, they may be very surprised. It happens that, when entering into marriage, young people do not attach much importance to the forthcoming domestic work in the family or are just not accustomed to it.
As a result, the young wife does not know how to cook soup and darn clothes, the young husband is not able to nail the hanger properly or to repair the electric switch. It is clear that such ineptitude creates many inconveniences in a joint life, leads to a humiliating feeling of helplessness and does not adorn a person at all. Of course, it is impossible to talk about the working atmosphere of the family. The dissatisfaction of young spouses with each other gradually appears in such couples, leading to discontent, irritation, conflicts.
True, it should be noted that the cause of misunderstandings and conflicts in a young family may be not only the ineptitude of a wife or a husband but also simple unwillingness to perform certain duties. In this case, each of the spouses must clearly understand that no one will do their work for them, and the refusal of one person to work for the family will inevitably result in an additional burden on the other. And this is not only unfair, but also fraught with all sorts of family troubles.
Yes, this situation can seem unusual, because, at school and university, everything was much easier. Students always could seek homework help online or order an academic paper at their educational institution. But in everyday life, everything is different. No one will maintain your marriage instead of you.
The important law of family life is the uniform distribution of housekeeping responsibilities between all members of a family, of course, taking into account their real capabilities. This is especially true of men who, under various pretexts, often try to avoid any domestic work, clinging to outdated traditions, considering home economics to be the female sphere.
Students should understand that, just as in any responsible business, reasonable planning and a clear organization are important in the management of a house. To avoid problems, it is necessary to form the skills of a good host in advance, during the years most suitable for training, that is, in childhood and youth.
What should students learn at home economics lessons?
One of the essential elements of housekeeping is the constant maintenance of an order in the house. Everything should be in the right place, so that if necessary, you can use something without wasting time searching for it. This order is achieved primarily due to the fact that not one person but all members of the family, without exception, should care for it.
It is not so important to clean the house day after day. First of all, it's worth learning not to create additional garbage. If each member of the family, without counting on the others, will always clean up after himself, putting all things back to their places, this will provide the necessary order and greatly facilitate the family life.
The following should be noted: it is bad when a person is stingy and petty, overly prudent, but it is no less bad if he falls into the other extreme and, wanting to demonstrate own generosity, sows money, buys unnecessary rubbish, does not take into account the real needs, throws out without hesitation things that could still serve or be used somehow. An important role in the successful housekeeping is played by the careful attitude to household appliances and foodstuffs, their rational use.
Young people who have received a good education in the field of home economics in their families and at school can do a lot with their own hands. Girls can sew, knit, embroider, show creative abilities. Young men can make furniture, repair household appliances, make various things for decorating an apartment, etc.
Without saying that such economic self-activity of spouses allows saving money, everything that is done by own hands usually delivers great satisfaction, serves as a convincing proof of the actual care of the husband and wife about the well-being of their family nest.
In the course of lessons, teachers should especially emphasize the idea that, in general, a normal, healthy person should be able to do everything that is needed for everyday life. This is what ensures the real independence, as well as the willingness and ability to help others. In this case, there will be no problems in the management of a house.
Thus, the skills of home economics are formed gradually, in the course of school lessons. Conscientious work of all members of the family, both for society and for own well-being, provides the necessary harmony in relationships, guarantees material prosperity. Moral, quiet relations with relatives, based on cooperation and mutual assistance, serve the interests of the productive work of parents and the upbringing of children.
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