Boy Kills World is a comedy-thriller directed by Moritz Mohr in his feature debut. It follows "Boy", a deaf-mute martial arts expert seeking revenge against the Van Der Koy family. Starring Bill Skarsgård, the plot unfolds with Boy's childhood trauma driving his quest for vengeance after surviving a family massacre orchestrated by the Van Der Koys.
Guided by hallucinations of his sister, Boy joins forces with resistance members Benny and Basho. Amidst twists and betrayals, Boy confronts the truth about his past and his ties to the Van Der Koy family.
Boy Kills World delivers intense action sequences intertwined with a gripping narrative of revenge and redemption.  The trailer is gory and reviews are mixed on Rotten Tomatoes. If you liked "The purge", then you might enjoy this movie. Tickets on KenyaBuzz.
Image: Roadside Attractions/Everett Collection

About The Author

Maureen Kasuku

Maureen is our resident cat lady and Beyoncé stan. She writes about spas, brunch and ballet recitals but has never been to any. Moonlights as a social justice activist in her spare time. She knows things and is obnoxiously opinionated on the internet but not in real life

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