World Heart Day is a global event to raise awareness and educate people about cardiovascular disease (CVD). Created by the World Heart Foundation, World Heart Day is designed encourage people to take care of their heart health and control risk factors that may contribute to CVD both for themselves, and for others. World Heart Day happens every year on 29th September.
As we count down to International heart day, Manipal Hospital, Dwarka (a multi-specialty facility) renowned for their heart care treatment is hosting a digital painting competition with the theme how to keep your heart healthy and happy.
 Winners (1st , 2nd and 3rd Prizes ) will get $ 150 / 100 $ / 50 $ respectively.
 Steps to be followed:
 Register via google form:,
Post Painting include name / school name / mobile number /country on painted sheet.
Take photo of painting and send across via email / whatsapp / post it on Manipal hospitals Facebook page.
Open to age groups 5 to 15 years.
Winners will be announced through a webinar on 27th September and contacted through provided email. For more details, see poster below:

*Featured Image: MNSB inward

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