Are you ready for an intergalactic adventure? KenyaBuzz and Anga Cinemas have got you covered with the highly anticipated premier of Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Join us today at an Anga Cinema near you for a geek-filled event that promises to be unforgettable.
On this May the fourth, blast off with Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, and Drax for a thrilling journey through the cosmos. Brace yourself for stunning visual effects, heart-pumping action sequences, and a killer soundtrack that will take you on a ride beyond the stars!

Can't make it in the evening? Don't miss out on the early bird tickets for only 300 bob for the first show at Anga CBD at 8:00am. Tickets come with a complimentary cup of Dorman's coffee. Read more about why we're excited for Guardians of the Galaxy 3, and get your tickets from KenyaBuzz now. 

About The Author

Maureen Kasuku

Maureen is our resident cat lady and Beyoncé stan. She writes about spas, brunch and ballet recitals but has never been to any. Moonlights as a social justice activist in her spare time. She knows things and is obnoxiously opinionated on the internet but not in real life

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