KB: You're clearly the next big thing at the moment, tell us something about 'Mulamwa' 
My real name is David Oyando. 'Mulamwa' came about when at one point, I jokingly did a 'refix' to one of rapper Kendrick Lamar's song which gave me an idea of branding myself as 'Kendrick Mulamwa'. I actually use that name on my Facebook account.
Before 'Mulamwa' though, my first stage name was 'Muindi' when I started comedy with a group of friends back in Eldoret around 2012. My internship period was almost due to start and thought it wise to do my training in Nairobi as I saw an opportunity to make something out of myself in the Kenyan comedy industry.
My videos were massively embraced thanks to the first short video I made in early February, this year. I was leaving work and just thought of doing a video to put up on Instagram (which had less than 1000 followers by the way). After sometime, views to this particular video kept increasing at an alarming rate I couldn't keep up myself!
That influenced my decision to create 30-second videos for WhatsApp statuses which developed my brand's highlight theme, 'Status Comedian' on the platform as I believe it hasn't been widely explored.
KB: How consistent are you with posting these 30-second videos?
Well, I already have the content so I just post any day actually. With time,I'll probably set specific days for fans to be in tune whenever a new video comes out.
KB: In just over a short time period, you've clearly dominated the Kenyan WhatsApp platform with your hilarious videos, how do you take that?
I must say, it is really humbling. Definitely not an easy task for people to like your content and share it when they could instead put up posts of their partners, cats, or even dogs on their statuses!
KB: What's next for the future of 'Mulamwa', the comedian here on out?
I want to create a paying brand off 'Mulamwa' especially with all my 25 released videos going viral. Also, to hopefully get a chance at 'Churchill Show' to do stand-up comedy, which is a passion I hope to cultivate.
Mulamwa's Socials : @mulamwah on Instagram

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