event Sat. 15th March, 2025 at 10:00AM location_on Serena Beach Resort & Spa
call 0716 176334
alternate_email info@isefafrica.com
language http://www.isefafrica.com/
Are you looking for an international school? Are you looking to transition from national to an international curriculum?
Are you looking for an international university?
Meet heads and admissions teams from top international schools at the International Schools Fair-Mombasa, Kenya.
Saturday 15th March at Serena Hotel Mombasa.
10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Enquire about scholarships and onsite admissions.
Free entry. Bring the whole family along for a fun day out!
Register to visit: https://forms.gle/CNatXDL2vyyBSLKR7