KIU is a Kenyan Drama from 2022 produced by StarTimes Media. The show stars Blessing Lung'aho, Celestine Gachuhi and Anita Wawuda. Kiu follows the story of Alisha, a woman living a seemingly perfect marriage with her handsome husband, Alex. She however becomes a victim of many betrayals and humiliations, leading her on a path of vengeance against those who hurt her.
Alex and Alisha have been married for five years and seem like the perfect couple. Alex comes from a wealthy family while Alisha is a humble and kind-hearted woman. The only issue they have is that Alisha is unable to conceive and give Alex an heir. She therefore becomes a target of harassment for her cruel mother-in-law, Agnes, who resents her for not giving her a grand-child.
Things suddenly take a shocking turn when Alisha's best friend, Diana, returns from France. It turns out that Diana had a relationship with Alex even before he got married. They have a son together and Diana will do the impossible in order to get back with Alex and build a family with him.
How will Diana be able to break Alex and Alisha's marriage? What will Alisha do to get her revenge on Alex and Diana for betraying her? Tune in to KIU on NTV, every Monday to Friday at 8:00 pm
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