Here are 5 things Kenyans want from PS5
Faster Load Speeds
A lot of Kenyans find it very frustrating when any game loading up takes more than a couple of minutes. Loading screens are the major enemy of any professional or casual Kenyan gamer. They definitely would and should be a big improvement come the consoles' release. Increasing the performance of the console would beef up the load speeds and take less than a minute.
Reverse Compatibility
The Play station 5 definitely would be a plus when it allows games from other consoles such as the PS4,PS3 and the PS2. Plenty of Kenyan gamers find it as a challenge to purchase current games for the PS4 because of their hefty prices. If sony does decide to implement the feature , Kenyans will definitely be delighted to reuse various playstation games that they initially all had from the beginning since using the PS2.
Graphic Processing Power
Any time there's a new console, graphics are a major point of discussion. After all, power is the selling point of any next generation system. How much better will make games look and play on this system?
Microsoft's upcoming console boasts 6 teraflops of graphical power, which is above even the PS4 Pro. Sony would be releasing the PS5 with 10 teraflops of power!
That's the equivalent of today's top-shelf video cards on PC, so with another few years, that tech could reasonably find it's way to consoles. With that kind of power, 4K wouldn't be a problem. Graphics would look significantly better than they do now. Textures, lighting effects, antialiasing, 10 teraflops could do it all. Personally, we're in between 8-10 teraflops, but regardless, it will leave Scorpio to pale in comparison.
More Games
What do we talk about after graphics? Yep, it's games. This feature is something that Sony has been bringing since the launch of PS4. New exclusives like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nioh, and Persona 5 are just some of the many titles that Sony secured on their platform.
With powerhouse developes like Guerilla Games, Naughty Dog, and Sucker Punch, Sony has no problems with their lineup. If anything, it's the launch titles that will require special attention. Coming out of the gate strong is important, and that's what I believe Kenyan gamers want to see from this specific feature.
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is still a toddler in the realm of technology. There's a lot of argument as to whether VR will take off, but I'm convinced that Sony has found the sweet spot this time. Bringing the Move controller back was a smart move, and incorporating the camera created a trifecta of peripherals that all suddenly found purpose.
VR is one of those things that you won't believe until you try it. Naysayers are often the very same people who have never experienced it. We're confident Sony will win the VR war with their PlayStation VR headset and it's successor on PS5. So far, sales are very strong on the headset, so I'm with you all on this being a feature we need.