This week must be moving slowly for some of you who are eager to watch '
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.' The dinosaur-themed park movie premieres in Kenya this week starting Friday. It will be a sequel to the 2015
Jurassic World movie and it will feature Blue, that awesome dinosaur that was created as an attraction. '
Jurassic World:Fallen Kingdom' will also feature a lot more dinosaurs which means there'll be more action and adventure.
Here are some of the dinosaurs you will likely see in the movie. Some already make an appearance in the trailer.
- Stegosaurus
It's like the dumbest dinosaur but it has spikes that act as a defensive mechanism against predators. You can just call it the 'Roofed lizard'.
- Indoraptor
It's a carnivorous dinosaur and it will be the main antagonist in the upcoming movie with the code name I-Raptor. Action!
- Baryonyx
It is primarily a carnivore and it will feature in the movie. It hunts humans but its smaller than the rest.
- Apatosaurus
It is known for its herbivorous nature which means we can relax. Its size though is a little unsettling. That thing can gobble us up in seconds.
- Triceratops
It is also a herbivore known for its horns and resemblance to a rhino. It is a gentle creature but that doesn't mean it won't fight to defend itself.
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
Fondly known as T-Rex, this dinosaur is the most prominent one in the Jurassic World. It is deadly but it fought bravely on the right side in the last movies.
- Ankylosaurus
It is mostly referred to as a dinosaur turtle. It is expected to move slowly but in the trailer of the movie, one can see it moving pretty fast.
- Pteranodon
This is more like the flying dinosaur you'll be seeing in 'Jurassic World:
The Fallen Kingdom' that terrorized a family in one of the previous movies. It's supposed to live on fish but well.
- Gallimimus
It is one of the fastest dinosaurs defined by a long tail and thin legs and neck. It lives on insects and plants so it is safe to say you can hang around this one.
- Compsognathus
It is a bird-like creature which is not friendly at all. It is small and it might appear harmless but it is a dangerous dinosaur.
- Velociraptor
It is also a dangerous one that is also smart with a large brain. What do you think about happens when a smart animal meets humans? Prepare for a real threat.
- Stygimoloch
It has a strong hard head but not much is known about it. I do hope it'll bring the action in the movie. It has spikes at the back of its head.
- Carnotaurus
This dinosaur has a red devilish look with big horns. It is definitely a carnivore and that means danger.

The dinosaurs featured are quite a number so in order to see them all this weekend, book your advance tickets
here. Prepare to be taken on a thrilling ride.