How's social distancing working out for you? Here are 5 instagram accounts you can 'socialize' during these hard times of self- isolation.

dziero (Daisy Oyuga)

Makeup artist, Tik- Tok enthusiast and actress Daisy Oyuga is wildly popular on Instagram and for good reason. Her make up tutorials are amazing and easy to follow, her videos are hilarious and she engages with her followers. This multi-faceted Instagram personality will keep you entertained for ages. Check out her IG here

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Sunny Dolat

Sunny Dolat is an independent Kenyan fashion curator and creative director. In 2011, his first serious fashion project, dubbed 'Stingo' (Kenyan slang for style) was done alongside photographer Jim Chuchu, producer Lucille Kahara and makeup artist Kangai Mwiti.  His fashion-forward IG is aesthetically pleasing. Have a look.

The Mentalyist (Trevor Maingi)

If you're into landscapce photography, Trevor is your plug. This talented photographer has had his work featured on CNN!

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Old MacDonald Had a Farm. #djiglobal #fromwhereidrone

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Mutua Matheka

Mutua Matheka is a travel & architectural photographer and a Ford Foundation fellow.  His Instagram is pleasing to the eyes.

Chani Solanki - @pikachakula

As her blog suggests, 'Pika Chakula' -which translates to 'Cook Food' in Kiswahili - features the talented Chani 'cooking' her way through different recipes by cuisines suited for your liking.

About The Author

Maureen Kasuku

Maureen is our resident cat lady and Beyoncé stan. She writes about spas, brunch and ballet recitals but has never been to any. Moonlights as a social justice activist in her spare time. She knows things and is obnoxiously opinionated on the internet but not in real life

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