Telemundo is set to launch new reality show, Top Chef VIP. The show is a reality series that will see 16 celebrities from Latin America show off their culinary skills and battle it out to be named 'the best chef'. The winner of the title will win a prize of $ 100,000.
The show, shot in Bogota, Colombia, will be hosted by The scent of Passion star, Carmen Villalobos. Alongside her will be three renowned Latin American chefs as judges.  Chef Antonio De Livier is recognized for his Mexican cuisine, Chef Adria Marina Montano known for preparing Mexican cuisine with a modern twist and Chef Juan Manuel Barrientos whose culinary expertise is inspired by the ancestral roots of his native Colombia.

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The show is set to premier August 9 on Telemundo. Among the 16 celebrities set to participate in the show include Telenovela stars such as Scarlet Ortiz, Lambda Garcia, Marlene Favela, Ferdinand Valencia and Horacio Pancheri. Who do you think has the best culinary skills among them?

About The Author

Alix Grubel

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