Sarafina, a staged musical adaptation of the 1992 South African film "Sarafina!" starring Brenda Wairimu opened to a dramatic debut at the Kenya National Theatre. Stuart Nash's adaptation is steeped in nostalgia and it was an absolute treat to reminisce, and sometimes even sing along to some of the songs of my childhood.
Sarafina tells the story of teenage South African students trying to resist the oppressive rule of the Boers at the height of apartheid. The actors carried their roles so well, most of them managing to nail the South African accent, which lent authenticity to the show.
Nash, who's still glowing from the success of last year's adaptation of Jesus Christ Superstar, tries to keep the adaptation as close to the real thing as possible, using all the songs from the movie and employing the most realistic stage effects.
Mkamzee Mwatela, Crocodile and singer Gilad were the night's best performers for me. Brenda Wairimu, who plays the titular Sarafina, wasn't as fiery and intense as I had hoped. It was very difficult to hear what she was saying at times. She's however a good actor and does well to demonstrate how Sarafina changes from a dreamy teenager harbouring hopes of being a star, to a disillusioned and almost militant student determined to fight apartheid.
I enjoyed every minute of this show, soaking in and getting lost in the freedom songs and being in awe of the performances on stage. This is a must-watch.
|| Buy Tickets →
Director: Stuart NashDirector: Stuart Nash
Cast: Brenda Wairimu as Sarafina, Mkamzee Mwatela as Mistress, Gilad Millo as Torturer, Patrick Oketch as Sabela, Hellen Mtawali as Mama
Upcoming Shows:
Friday, July 13 at 7:00 pm
Saturday, July 14 at 8:00 pm
Sunday, July 15 at 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm
Friday, July 20 at 7:00 pm
Saturday, July 21 at 3:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sunday, July 22 at 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm
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