Marvel Studios unveiled its Marvel Cinematic Universe's movie lineup, at the San Diego Comic-Con 2019 on Saturday. The "Phase 4 project" will consist of ten MCU movies, set to run for the next two years. "Black Widow", "Eternals" and "Doctor Strange" made the list. Black Widow movie will be the first movie off the project, set to debut in theatres May 1st, 2020. The Cate Shortland-directed sci-fi film added Scarlett Johansson, David Harbour and Rachel Weisz as cast members. Harbour, in a statement said that the events showcased on Black Widow will be taking place right after Captain America: Civil War. The Eternals will be second on the list, swooping into theatres on November 6th, 2020.Marvel Studio's president, Kevin Feige confirmed that the film will star Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek and Don Lee among others. The action flick will revolve around a race of immortal beings, determined to shape earth's history and its civilizations. Chloe Zhao was also revealed as the director of the movie. A new Thor: Love and Thunder -in the works -will be revealing a new twist of events. With Chris Hemsworth's return as the "god of Asgard", the sequel will introduce a female Thor -Natalie Portman. Director Taika Waititi will also be spearheading Thor 4, following the massive success of the movie's 2017 predecessor Thor: Ragnarok. We will however have to wait for the film until November 21st, 2021 when it is scheduled to hit theatres. Other MCU movies you should be expecting include; Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings -February 12, 2021; Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness - May 7, 2021; and Blade- Date unknown. Feige also mentioned that "Black Panther and Captain Marvel's sequels were in development, something most of us are anxiously looking forward to. Marvel Studios will also develop various TV series for Disney's Disney+ streaming service - scheduled to launch in November. The series will include; The Falcon & Winter Soldier, Wanda Vision, Loki in spring, What If...? (An animated series featuring MCU characters) and Hawkeye, set for release within the two-year time frame.

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