Tierra De Esperanza (Land of Hope) is a Televisa production from 2023. The show is a remake of La Tormenta, a Telemundo drama from 2005 that starred Natalia Streignard and Christian Meier. The new version is produced by Jose Alberto Castro, starring Andres Palacios and Carolina Miranda.
The show follows the story of Maria Teresa, a sophisticated woman whose father, Esteban, is arrested for fraud. Esteban thus sends Maria Teresa to La Esperanza, the ranch she inherited from her mother. As a businesswoman, she must step up to revive the struggling ranch. Here, she meets Santos, the ranch foreman. On their first meeting, the two constantly disagree. Their regular conflicts however lead them to falling in love with each other. Things will however not be easy for them due to their difference in class, and Valentina, a worker at the ranch who is determined to win Santos' affection.
The support cast is completed by Luis Roberto Guzman, Mariana Seoane and Sofia Castro. Tune in to Citizen TV daily at 8:00 pm to enjoy Tierra De Esperanza.

About The Author

Mary Njehia

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