Telenovela Star, Daniel Arenas, is facing a scandal after kissing a co-star on his new show. The Colombian actor recently moved to Miami to join Telemundo's morning talk show, Hoy Dia as one of the hosts. On his first day on the job, he ended up kissing his co-host, Adamari Lopez.
During one of the show's segments, the actor was asked how actors kissed in Telenovelas. He opted to demonstrate and hence grabbed Adamari López, also an actor, who was next to him and kissed her. He was utterly criticized online because he is in a relationship with Daniella Álvarez, Miss Colombia 2011. The couple began dating in 2021 but they have known each other since 2013.
See More: Daniel Arenas confirms relationship with beauty queen, Daniella Alvarez.
The actor had to clear the situation due to the criticism that followed. He took to his official Instagram page to clarify and apologize for what happened during the show. "I was simply a presenter of a program who was talking and giving news about another show. I could have solved it in many ways and I was wrong because it is not cool for the person next to me… I apologize to my partner because it is not fair for her to see me giving someone else a kiss. I was wrong and I think it is important to say that we are human and we can be wrong."

About The Author

Alix Grubel

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