Trolls World Tour is a 2020 animated comedy produced by DreamWorks Animation. It's the sequel to the popular 2016 animated musical. This time around Poppy, Branch and their friends are up against other trolls, each representing a different genre of music.
There's a group of Hard Rock Trolls who want to turn everyone else into Rock Trolls and it's up to the gang to save everyone else's musical styles. Vulture described this movie as "Infinity war for a younger audience". Haha!
From the trailer and reviews on the net, the key themes are: importance of diversity in thought, musical taste, and cultural preferences. The story also promotes teamwork, communication, empathy, friendship, and loyalty.
Kids will enjoy the colorful visuals and catchy songs. Critics consensus on Rotten Tomatoes says, "Trolls brings its instantly recognizable characters to the big screen in a colorful adventure that, while geared toward the younger set, isn't without rewards for parents."
Cinemas are slowly re-opening and are still really quiet so you can safely take the kids out for that treat they deserve. Get your tickets from KenyaBuzz.
*Image: IMDb
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