The Marksman is an action thriller film. The plot follows a rancher and former Marine (Liam Neeson) living in an Arizona town bordering Mexico. The film is set during the Mexican migrant crisis when ICE got all that infamy.
If you've watched Liam in the Taken film series, you know Liam usually plays a seasoned character with some badass set of skills which come in handy to dispatch bad guys and rescue good ones.
His role isn't much different in The Marksman. He is a retired marine with good aim who comes into contact with a mother and son fleeing drug cartels in Mexico. He could've chosen to snitch on these asylum seekers but being the empath he is, he risks his own life to grant a dying mother's wish to help her son start a new life in the states.
The Marksman is a thrilling experience that'll tug at your heartstrings if you're empathic to the refugee crisis.
If you can handle all the violence and cussing, get your tickets from KenyaBuzz.
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