The Girl Named Feriha is finally ending its run on NTV Kenya after more than a year on air. The Turkish Telenovela follows the story of Feriha and Emir, a young couple who fall in love but have to fight against societal ideals imposed on them due to their different backgrounds.
Feriha and Emir were able to withstand all the obstacles against them to be together. They eloped and got married but their marriage went on to have more issues and they eventually got divorced. After a three-year time jump, Feriha returned as a successful businesswoman, ready to take revenge on Emir for failing to choose her over his night club business. As it turns out, Feriha misunderstood everything and left Emir without letting him explain what he had intended to do.
Feriha and Emir seem lost without each other even when they try to move on with other people. It has been a long and heartbreaking journey for them and we are eager to see if they will finally get their happy ever after.
You can watch the finale of The Girl Named Feriha tonight on NTVKenya at 8:00 pm.
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