Ahead of World Immunization Week next month, kids from certain schools having been bringing back home fliers urging parents to get their kids immunized against Meningitis.  Parents are supposed to fill in a consent form, pay a small fee and choose an ideal date for their kids to get the Jab.
The thing is, this is not a KEPI (Kenya Expanded Programme on Immunization) recommended vaccine. I mean, it's OK to get it but the state hasn't listed it as  mandatory. Some parents we talked to were skeptical about it. They opined that that private pharmaceutical companies were just out to make easy money while some parents thought it was a good precautionary measure.
We want to hear what you think about this. Chime in and let us know. Will your kids be getting the jab? Vote here
*Check out last week's poll results here

About The Author

Omani Joy

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