In the first Despicable Me movie in seven years, Gru, our beloved supervillain-turned-Anti-Villain League agent, returns in "Despicable Me 4." Following the 2022 success of "Minions: The Rise of Gru," which earned nearly $1 billion worldwide, the franchise continues with Gru (Steve Carell), Lucy (Kristen Wiig), and their daughters—Margo (Miranda Cosgrove), Edith (Dana Gaier), and Agnes (Madison Polan)—welcoming baby Gru Jr.
In Despicable Me 4, Gru faces a new nemesis, Maxime Le Mal (Will Ferrell), and his girlfriend Valentina (Sofia Vergara), forcing the family to go on the run. Our fave minions also join in for some hilarious chaos. Important lessons on family and teamwork. The reviews are great so far and we have tickets on KenyaBuzz.
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