Living for Love (Vivir De Amor) is a Televisa production from 2024 starring Emmanuel Palomares, Kimberly Dos Ramos and Gala Montes. The show is based on a Portuguese telenovela from 2010, titled Lacos De Sangue.
The show follows the story of sisters Frida and Angelii from the Del Olmo family. The family falls apart when the eldest daughter, Frida is kidnapped and presumed dead. Alma and Antonio, who after losing their daughter, adopt Frida, and name her Rebecca.
Twenty years later, Rebecca finds out about her true origin. She is angry and resentful that she grew up in poverty while her sister Angelli enjoyed all the luxury. She will return to her family to take back all the things she believes Angelli took away from her, including the love of Jose Emilio, Angelli's fiancé. Will the sisters ever get along?
An elite cast that includes Gabriela Spanic, Josh Gutierrez, Rene Strickler, Juan Diego Covarrubias, Mariluz Bermudez and Eugenia Cauduro will support the trio. Tune in to Citizen TV every Sunday to Wednesday at 11:00 pm to watch Living For Love.
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