KenyaBuzz: 2019 has started off quite amazingly for you, with your new song Kitoko hitting top charts. How much has your music evolved since the Chokoza days?
Avril: It has evolved immensely. I have been fortunate enough to work with very many people from different genres of music and because of this I have learnt so much. At the moment, working with Link Sasa Universal is helping me to be vulnerable and allow myself to allow other creative minds to chip into what they feel I can be capable of. Kitoko is an example of this.
KenyaBuzz: What kind of music is inspiring you right now?
Good question. I honestly can't put a finger on it. But generally I can say well-written almost poetic music is really striking a cord with me.
KenyaBuzz: What's it like being a new mum and how do you find the perfect balance between your home life and being an artist and a busy brand ambassador?
Avril: I don't think any mother really quite gets the perfect balance. You just find yourself in a space where things find a way of working out. I'm sleep-deprived most times that's for sure, but everything works out as it should.
KenyaBuzz: This is going to be your first Easter as a mum. Do you have an Easter egg roll or something planned for the little one or it's just going to be extra chill?
Avril: Spending my first Easter as a mum won't be crazy. I think I'll start with traditions when he's about two or three so that he can remember some of these things.

KenyaBuzz: When you're not killing it on stage and being the fab diva you are, what fun activities do you get up to with the baby?
Avril: We play a lot. When it's playtime, I'm a bigger baby than he is. I love spending time with him. There's nothing more amazing than hearing your child laugh because he's having a good time, especially with you.
KenyaBuzz: What does Easter mean to you?
Avril: I was raised in the ways of the Catholic Church, so for me Easter is about Christ's resurrection. This is another moment for me to reevaluate my faith and just meditate on what Christ's resurrection means to me. For this year I'm particularly grateful for my faith guiding me through a new chapter of my life.
KenyaBuzz: Any cool stories from back in the day growing up in Nakuru?
Avril: Growing up in Nakuru for me was very strict. When I was a young girl, my dad wanted to make sure I was protected from anything that would derail my future. I hardly got into any mischief. I tried to rebel but it didn't work. But I really do thank my parents a lot for my upbringing; it fashioned me to being an incredibly purpose-driven adult.
KenyaBuzz: You know what would be great? If you tried out for a musical. Hear me out. You're a great singer and an actress. It's the perfect combination. The theater stage calls. KNT, Broadway. Would you do it?
Avril: I've actually been called to a couple of stage plays/production; but I've been so scared of being part of any of them. It's funny because I'm always on stage, but being a thespian on a live stage for me feels so intimidating.
KenyaBuzz: You were recently appointed as the Kenyan brand ambassador for Justdiggit. Tell us a bit about the brand.
Avril: I am very humbled to be one of the goodwill/brand ambassadors for Justdiggit. I am lending my voice to an incredible initiative that has been cooling down the planet by re-greening the world one country at a time. Justdiggit makes dry land green again by capturing rainwater and introducing sustainable agriculture to create healthy ecosystems. The programs influence the regional climate by capturing CO2, reducing local temperature and creating local rains. For more information on how you can be part of #CoolingDownThePlanet, check out Justdiggit on social media or visit the website- There will be concert soon dubbed Rain Dance that I will keep you updated on.
KenyaBuzz: Your name is now mentioned together with the likes of Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu who is also the brand's ambassador. How has that kind of recognition impacted you?
Avril: I'm extremely humbled that Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu and a number of other incredible people are part of this movement. To be honest being mentioned alongside such great people is very humbling, even more so because of the project that we are championing and the impact the initiative is making.
KenyaBuzz: If we were to hang-out, which series or movie would you want us to binge on?
Avril: I binge on different things depending on my mood and how I want to feel at a certain time. At the moment I am keen on True Crime Stories and then switch to family based dramas such as Gilmore Girls from time to time.

Quick Fire Questions
Lace front vs Wigs?
Wonder woman vs Captain Marvel?
Wonder Woman
Flats or heels?
Stage or studio?
Baby Shark or Telletubbies?
Baby Shark
Earth, wind or fire?