There hasn't been a wedding that has garnered so much public attention of late than Dennis Okari's. The NTV news anchor tied the knot to his fiance, identified as Naomi Joy, over the weekend and Kenyans couldn't hold themselves back. The floodgates of opinion and our special skill in not minding our own business opened like nobody's business. I'm serving you the tea you missed.
The Betty Kyallo mix
Dennis' ex-wife and mom to his daughter, Betty Kyallo, in an Instagram QnA with her fans, talked about the newlyweds and said, "No pain whatsoever, happy for him. Wish him the best. And to everyone else who's gone or going through the same thing, you're human, life happens, move on and find your happiness. I'm happier." Nope, this still didn't convice many. Oh well, look at some of these tweets.
The church wedding controversy
Errh, so apparently, once you wed in a church and get a divorce, you can't have another wedding. The church does not recognize divorce. Hmm... These are the issues some tweeps raised over the church wedding Dennis and Naomi Joy had. I think we need to consult our pastor on that issue yeah? See reactions.
The relationship advice we never knew we needed
The relationship guru battalion came out in full force also. They had great tips on how to move on from your ex, why you shouldn't trash your ex...and you know how the story goes. Yeah, this always happens.
When's the honeymoon?
Dennis and Betty have always been the talk of the town and it seems this story won't die so fast. The public is also demanding to know when Dennis and Naomi Joy are taking their honeymoon leave. Dennis works too hard, he needs to chill a bit now.
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