Currently, the actor is working on a new Telenovela, " El Amor Invincible" alongside Angelique Boyer. He mentioned that he had already made plans to move but had to delay them when the offer to work on the show came along. " The truth is that if this project had not come out with Juan Osorio and Angelique Boyer, I would not be working and I would have already left…", said the actor in a recent press conference.
Danilo Carrera also mentioned that he is ready to retire from acting after achieving what he had set out to do in Mexico. "I have already done everything in Mexico… I have already won all the awards; we have already been number one in the United States and all of Latin America. If El Amor Invicible were my last Novela, I would retire very happily."
If Danilo Carrera does retire, which would be your most memorable Telenovela by the actor?