Legend has it that a cat has nine (9 ) lives but spoilt cat Beckett might have 10! In 10 lives. Beckett the cat takes for granted the good life he has after being adopted by his owner Rose. He keeps getting in trouble and loses his "cat lives" one by one.  When he loses his ninth life, fate steps in to set him on a transformative journey. He reincarnates into different creatures until his lesson is learnt.

If you liked the themes in "A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens" and "Soul" by Pixar, you'll love 10 lives as it has similar themes. It has great lessons for kids and adults alike on gratitude, living in the moment and not taking loved ones for granted. The animation is fantastic and the jokes are funny.

Watch it with the kids by getting your tickets on KenyaBuzz
*Image: IMDB

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