- Desperate Housewives (Seasons 1-8)
- Mom (Seasons 1-6)
This comedy show follows a newly sober mom who wants to put her life together. However, she has a wayward mom so you can imagine how that goes. It's punchy and hilarious so we suggest you have a cup of water. Your ribs might go dry.
- Jane The Virgin (Seasons 1-4)
This show is perfect for young moms. The comedy show focuses on Jane (played by Gina Rodriguez) who's a virgin who falls pregnant after being artificially inseminated. It has humour, focuses on the modern woman and touches on young motherhood.
- Gilmore Girls (Seasons 1-7)
For that mother-daughter bonding, this is the show you should try out. The dramedy follows the relationship between a single mom and her teen daughter living in Connecticut. How was your relationship with your mom like when you were a teen?
- The Good Wife (Seasons 1-7)
For those who like the serious stuff, this is the show for you. The premise of the story is about a woman married to an attorney and is trying to revive her career after a very public scandal involving her husband. She has to do all she can to fend for her two children. It is one of the most critically acclaimed shows having received numerous awards for delving into social media, politics and law.
- Better Things (Seasons 1-2)
This is for the do-it-all mom. Pamela Adlon (Californication) is a one-woman Swiss Army knife in this fantastic semi-autobiographical comedy. She does it all — single mum, actor, friend, lover. With a lot of great celebrity cameos, this is one you'll have a good time watching. The Peabody Award called it, "searingly funny, beautiful and a raw examination of the vicissitudes of working motherhood."
Kenya's very own Mother-in-Law is one you should stream. We recommend watching this with your mother-in-law and tell us how that goes.