Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 marks the third installment in the beloved MCU franchise, featuring returning fan-favorite characters embarking on a fresh and action-packed adventure. Chris Pratt's Peter Quill takes on the challenge of leading his team to battle a new enemy, while dealing with the emotional aftermath of losing his love Gamora, played by Zoe Saldana. Alongside him, Rocket (Bradley Cooper), Groot (Vin Diesel), and Nebula (Karen Gillan) return to fight for the universe as they know it.
Here are five reasons we are excited to watch:
- Rocket's Backstory: The trailers and posters have teased that Rocket's backstory will be a significant focus of the film, giving us insight into how he became the hero we know today.
- Adam Warlock's Debut: Marvel fans are buzzing with excitement about the MCU debut of Adam Warlock, a powerful and well-known character in the comics.
- The High Evolutionary: The movie's main antagonist, The High Evolutionary, has the ability to rearrange matter and evolve his brain to its fullest potential, making for an intriguing and formidable foe.
- Last Appearances of Characters: As the MCU expands, fans are left wondering which characters will stay for upcoming movies. While only Drax has been confirmed to make his final appearance in this film, we hope for a happy ending for all of the beloved characters.
- Bridging to the Next Marvel Movies: The Guardians' past collaborations with the Avengers and Thor have showcased Marvel's ability to seamlessly connect the universe. With this film being only the second in Phase Five, we can expect exciting developments that bridge the upcoming Marvel movies.
We're not the only ones excited. See what others are saying on twitter:
Just watched guardians of the galaxy vol 3 Yep this is easily the best mcu movie since infinity war imo First mcu movie I cried during Comedy is great as always Great villain Great character arcs in this movie Rocket raccoon is the MVP#GotGVol3ID #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3
β BigBlockChoc (@DarthT88888888) May 3, 2023
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 is full of stakes, emotion & feels like a solid ending (good thing!). The production design & set pieces are some of Marvel's strongest. It's long, but the theme of found family is & will always be it's strength. I'll miss these misfits π #GotGVol3
β Lauren LaMagna (@laurenlamango) April 28, 2023
#GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol3 guts us with tragedy & makes us laugh. It has some of the best action ever in the MCU! The cast has never been better. Great music, and a satisfying/triumphant conclusion to this family. Thank you for everything James Gunn, I'm gonna miss them so much⦠
β Keizi Cinema π¦πΏ (@KeiziTV) May 4, 2023
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*Article updated on release day