Inspired by the incredible achievement of Hungarian shooting athlete Karoly Takacs, the story follows Anina, who gets selected in the Indian cricket team. However, an accident leaves her right hand amputated. Anina becomes a train wreck after losing her arm and all hope before an ex-cricketer turns up to mentor her way back to where she belongs in a story of the extraordinary human spirit.
A rating of 6.7/10 by IMDb and 55% by Rotten Tomatoes is pretty low in my opinion but I'll admit—I'm completely biased when it comes to The Lion King....
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eastTenko is a female Kenyan Shepherd dog of about 5 months year...
Kasuku House is a lovely 4 Bedroom House with 1 bedroom gues...
This December 31st, it's all about great food, vibrant Afric...