The novela revolves around the prestigious Roldán family. They are surprised by the arrival of Luisa Mayorga, a girl that Sara, the family's grandmother, has rescued from a marginal neighborhood and brought home. Luisa is the supposed daughter of Sergio, Sara's youngest son who was murdered ten years ago in a case that remains unsolved.
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Luisa Mayorga becomes part of the Roldan family, which for the most part is opposed to accepting her, causing many confrontations among its members. As the days go by, the supposed granddaughter is not as harmless or weak as she first seemed. Behind her movements, she has a menacing character which seeks destruction and revenge against the Roldán family. For all who know her, Luisa Mayorga will not go unnoticed, but in the end they will understand why she has been the chosen granddaughter.
You can follow The Chosen Granddaughter on Telemundo Africa, every night at 11:00 pm.