Tenet is a 2020 spy film written and directed by Christopher Nolan (Dark Knight, Man of Steel, Inception & Interstellar). It's about a secret agent who embarks on a dangerous, time-bending mission to prevent the start of World War III.
Tenet takes place in a world where the future has declared war on the present because it's vexed about global warming and climate change. To do so, future earth uses a technology called "inversion," by which objects and people can travel backward in the flow of time.
This film is replete with mind bending twists and sci-fi aficionados will appreciate the unpicking of time-travel and its implications
Writing for Rolling Stone Magazine, Peter Travers had this to say about Tenet "If anything can put movie junkies back in their multiplex seats — masked, of course, and safely distanced — this groundbreaker is the one to do it."
Find out what all the hype is about by getting yourself some tickets from KenyaBuzz. Tenet  is now showing at select Kenyan theaters and we're your plug.
Watch the trailer here.

*Image: Creative Bloq

About The Author

Maureen Kasuku

Maureen is our resident cat lady and Beyoncé stan. She writes about spas, brunch and ballet recitals but has never been to any. Moonlights as a social justice activist in her spare time. She knows things and is obnoxiously opinionated on the internet but not in real life

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