Great news for anime enthusiasts! We have tickets to catch Makoto Shinkai's latest film, Suzume. The movie follows the journey of Suzume (voiced by Nanoka Hara), a 17-year-old girl who lost her mother at a young age. One day, she encounters a mysterious young man on her way to school, but her curiosity leads to a catastrophe that threatens the entire population of Japan.
 Suzume embarks on a mission to make things right, traversing various disaster-stricken locations across Japan. Her adventure is a coming-of-age tale that unfolds after she accidentally opens a strange door, causing havoc. To close the doors causing devastation, she must travel across the country, aided by a mysterious young man named Souta (voiced by Hokuto Matsumura).

See why there's all this buzz inTokyo's cosplay community for Suzume's character by getting your tickets from KenyaBuzz.

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