In the gripping final episode, titled "For Thine Is The Kingdom" and directed by King Muriuki, the intense conflict between Cain and Detective Dan reaches its violent climax. This results in the lives of Ruth, Esther, Deborah, and Hope spiraling into utter chaos, reaching points of no return.
Over the course of 10 weeks, Faithless consistently held its position among Showmax's top 10 most-watched titles, capturing audiences with each new episode release. The series delves into the descent of four devout church women into a world of crime, showcasing how, under certain circumstances, even the most righteous individuals can succumb to sin.
Faithless begins with a heist that leads to a duffel bag filled with cash falling into the hands of Ruth (Beatrice Mwai), Deborah (Avril Nyambura), Hope (Fatma Mohammed), and Esther (Rosemary Waweru).
Initially, these women have noble intentions. They turn the money over to the police and continue their lives, devoted to fundraising for their chama and carrying out charitable work in the name of the Lord. However, a tragedy within the church forces them to strike a sinister bargain, involving Cain (Aleks Kamau), the owner of the stolen cash, who seeks a discreet way to "clean" his ill-gotten gains. Before they realize it, Ruth and her companions find themselves deeply entangled in laundering money from drugs or other questionable sources, all within the confines of their own church compound.
Throughout the season, these four friends undergo profound transformations. Deborah's innocence costs her dearly, Esther loses her faith, and Hope pays the highest price. However, Ruth's descent into immorality and sin is the most striking, as she begins the journey as the pastor's wife, seemingly the epitome of righteousness.

She's the woman in the grandest hat, seated solemnly in the front pew while her husband, Pastor Musa (Arabron Nyyeneque), delivers sermons on repentance and the battle against evil. Congregants look up to her for guidance and solace. So, when a tragic event unfolds and a life is lost, it is Ruth who is called upon to console the grieving mother, unaware that the victim met their fate at her own hands.
With this thrilling finale, Faithless paves the way for the upcoming Second Family, returning on Thursday, September 14th, to explore fresh dynamics within the dysfunctional Gatehi-Langat family and those seeking a share of their maize-milling empire.

About The Author

Maureen Kasuku

Maureen is our resident cat lady and Beyoncé stan. She writes about spas, brunch and ballet recitals but has never been to any. Moonlights as a social justice activist in her spare time. She knows things and is obnoxiously opinionated on the internet but not in real life

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