Recognizing this need, the Nairobi County Government, in collaboration with the BETA Charitable Trust and CHEPS, is offering free consultancy and surgery for eligible children at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital for children suffering from childhood cataracts or other eye problems requiring surgical intervention.
To ensure that children in need are identified and receive the required assistance, the program has implemented a comprehensive screening process. The screening started on May 29th, 2023, and will continue until June 8th, 2023. During this period, parents can bring their children to Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital for a thorough assessment of their eye condition.
The screening process is essential for determining the eligibility of children for the free consultancy and surgical services. Qualified healthcare professionals will examine the children's eyes and provide expert advice on the appropriate course of treatment.
To take advantage of this opportunity, parents are encouraged to call 0712269454 and book a free consultation.