Lionel Bart's Oliver! is a captivating stage musical that tells the tale of a young boy's journey into adulthood. With Bart's brilliant combination of book, music, and lyrics, the musical draws inspiration from Charles Dickens' renowned novel Oliver Twist, first published in 1838.
The cherished novel by Charles Dickens comes to vibrant life, immersing audiences in a thrilling journey through Victorian England. Follow the young and orphaned Oliver Twist as he traverses the perilous underworld of theft and brutality in search of a place to belong, a family to call his own, and, above all, love.
Kenya's premier dance school Dance Center Kenya (DCK) is bringing this timeless classic to Kenyan audiences from Friday 9th until Sunday 11th at the Kenya National Theater with a special appearance by legendary thespian John Sibi Okumu. It will be DCK's first-ever full-length musical.
Inquiries: 0705 725369
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