A great way to boost your immune system during these COVID-19 times is to amp up your intake of vitamins. Why buy expensive supplements when fruits and vegetables will do a better job. Not a fan of bland steamed veggies or sour out-of-season fruit? A tall glass of organic fresh, delicious juice packs enough vitamins to keep the flu away and here are 5 places in Nairobi you can indulge.
Beyond Fruits Juice Bars
Beyond fruit juice bars can be found across various malls in Nairobi. At Beyond Fruits you can choose from a wide selection of pre-made juices (depending on the season) that include: pineapple, pineapple mint, breakfast delight, passion fruit and tree tomato, mango and a number of other selections. A 425mL bottle of juice (good for a refreshing snack) starts at KSH180. A 1L bottle of juice starts at KSH350.
Zucchini offers a wide array of juice varieties from pineapple mint to more exotic offerings like pomegranate squeeze. Their green smoothies come highly recommended. Prices range from Ksh 400 to Ksh 600.
Absolute Juice
This juice bar at the Yaya Center promises fresh, organic juices. Their menu has over 20 juices to choose from. Their Aqua Fresca is wildly popular. They also offer online ordering & delivery services. Prices range from Ksh 350-Ksh 500.
Milly's Fresh Juices
Located at Soko Safi Strip Mall along Ngong road, Milly's fresh juices specializes in detox squeezes and citrus juices. Get your wheatgrass juice and orange ginger here. Prices range from Ksh 250- Ksh 400.
Miwa Enterprises Sugar Cane Juice Stand
These sugar cane juice stands found around the CBD are amazingly simplistic, but do the trick in a pinch. The selection is relatively straight forward you can choose from plain old sugar cane juice, sugarcane and lime juice, sugarcane and ginger juice and sugarcane lime and ginger juice. All perfect hangover tonics. The price is right as well. You can indulge from Ksh 150-Ksh 200.